Cookies Policy

In order to offer a good service, we use cookies. Our cookie policy explains the types of technology we use, what they do and what your choice of use is.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data that are sent to your browser by a web server and stored on your device so the site can recognize your computer. There are two kinds of cookies – permanent and temporary or “session” cookies. Permanent cookies are stored as a file on your computer or mobile device for a long time. Session cookies are temporarily placed on your computer when you visit our site but disappear when you close the page, which means they are not permanently stored on your device. Most companies use cookies on their sites to improve usability.

What cookies do we use and how?

We use cookie information to make our site more enjoyable, comfortable and user-friendly. We use the following types of cookies:

Required cookies

These cookies are strictly necessary for the site to perform its functions. For example, we use these cookies:

  • to establish the authenticity of our users when they use the site so that we can provide our services;
  • so we can fulfill our terms of use and maintain the security of our services.

Session Cookies

We use session cookies, for example:

  • to allow you to navigate between the individual pages of our site without having to log in again;
  • to recognize you when you return to our site to use our services.

Remember that cookies can not damage your files or increase the risk of viruses on your computer.

We also use third-party cookies as part of our services. These cookies are managed by the respective sites and are not controlled by us. Below are the third-party cookies we use, some of which can be turned off using the general settings of your browser. For others, visit the relevant sites and follow the instructions provided.

We use Google Analytics to generate site traffic statistics and traffic sources. To cancel, see

How are cookies deleted?

It is important to know that you can choose whether to accept the cookies or not. If you want to know when your computer gets a cookie, you can set your browser so that it notifies you about it. This allows you to accept or reject a cookie. Your computer can be set to reject all cookies. If you would like to know how to do this, please visit

Please note that changes to your browser that disable cookie functionality will prevent some of our site from functioning properly.

Browser information and how to set cookies preferences can be found on the following web pages or other Internet browser documentation:

An effective tool for managing cookies is also available at

Changes to our cookies policy

Any future changes to our Cookie Policy will be posted on this page. All changes will take effect immediately, except for existing users for which these changes will take effect 15 days after their publication, unless otherwise stated.


We’re happy to accept any questions and comments about our cookie policy. Please send them to